Results for 'Eniola Keji Ola-Alani'

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  1.  34
    A climate for commerce: the political agronomy of conservation agriculture in Zambia.Ola Tveitereid Westengen, Progress Nyanga, Douty Chibamba, Monica Guillen-Royo & Dan Banik - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):255-268.
    The promotion of conservation agriculture for smallholders in sub-Saharan Africa is subject to ongoing scholarly and public debate regarding the evidence-base and the agenda-setting power of involved stakeholders. We undertake a political analysis of CA in Zambia that combines a qualitative case study of a flagship CA initiative with a quantitative analysis of a nationally representative dataset on agricultural practices. This analysis moves from an investigation of the knowledge politics to a study of how the political agendas of the actors (...)
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    Hao shou chen si lu: Lin Keji zhe xue lun wen zi xuan ji ( 2003-2014 ) = Meditation of a golden ager: Lin Keji philosophical essays anthology.Keji Lin - 2015 - Beijing Shi: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
    《皓首沉思錄——林可濟哲學論文自選集(2003~2014)》是作者耄耋之年(2003~2014年)撰寫、並公開發表過的38篇哲學論文的彙集。 全書有七個部分。第一部分講“中西哲學及其比較”,涉及海德格爾的哲學史觀、雅斯貝爾斯的“軸心時代”理論、中國古代哲學基本問題、王陽明哲學屬性以及梁漱溟關於中西文化哲學及其比較等。第二部分是對北京大學哲學 系在1957年召開的、全國性的中國哲學史座談會的回顧與反思。第三部分是為紀念黨的十一屆三中全會召開30周年,對以往哲學理論中若干爭論問題的回顧與反思。第四部分是闡述我國現代幾位著名哲學家(金岳霖、馮友 蘭、熊十力、湯用彤、張岱年、任繼愈、張世英等)具有原創性與代表性的哲學思想與人生際遇。第五部分是講哲學與科學關係。作者對“李約瑟問題”和“希格斯玻色子”的發現問題,發表了自己的見解。第六部分是講審美觀 與人生境界問題。第七部分是學派研究和讀書評論。 該書由著名哲學家、北京大學資深教授張世英先生作序。.
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    Beyond secularism? Towards a post‐secular political theology.Ola Sigurdson - 2010 - Modern Theology 26 (2):177-196.
    In this article I analyse some of the reasons for a recent, resurgent interest in religion and theology by political philosophers and relate this interest to an inherent instability in modernity itself. In the first part I describe the landscape of current political philosophy with a particular emphasis on radical philosophers. In the second part I describe how the liberal distinction between religion and politics generates a theological instability due to the effective disappearance of the social embodiment of religion within (...)
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    Student Teachers’ Storytelling: Countering Neoliberalism in Education.Ola Henricsson - 2020 - Phenomenology and Practice 14 (1):24-38.
    Everyday teaching involves emotional and relational irrationalities, and these aspects of pedagogical sensitivity and sense are critical for beginning teachers as they develop their practice. The complex elements of what it means to teach are often impossible to grasp from an instrumental approach to teacher education, which emphasizes subject matter knowledge and practical behavioral know-how. Increased educational standardisation and a new teacher training paradigm in Sweden have resulted in positioning future teachers as responsible only for communicating official school knowledge and (...)
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    Too Expensive to Treat? Finitude, Tragedy, and the Neonatal ICU: Charles C. Camosy, 2010, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.Ola Didrik Saugstad - 2013 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 10 (2):253-255.
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    Gubernatorial debate sessions in Nigeria: A socio-cognitive analysis.Eniola Boluwaduro & Oluwateniola Oluwabukola Kupolati - 2018 - Discourse and Communication 12 (1):20-38.
    This article adopts Benoit’s functional theory of campaign discourse and Van Dijk’s socio-cognitive theory in discussing two gubernatorial debate sessions in Nigeria. The selected debate sessions are recovered from YouTube files and transcribed. However, only utterances from candidates in the two major political parties in Nigeria, namely, Action Congress of Nigeria ) and the People’s Democratic Party, are subjected to content analysis. Context models in the aspects of discourse meaning and argumentation are also considered. Findings reveal that first, candidates’ utterances (...)
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    Rightful Power and an Ideal of Free Community: The Political Theory of Steve Biko.Ẹniọlá Ànúolúwapọ́ Ṣóyẹmí - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (3):459-489.
    Steve Biko is one of the most important liberation activists of his time. Yet, his theoretical contribution is not well understood or appreciated. This article reconstructs Biko’s political ideas and introduces a new integrated reading and interpretation of his writings, speeches, and recorded interviews. It argues that Biko’s Black consciousness ideal should not only be read as engaging an activist movement or programme but, also, as encompassing an original theoretical framework grounded in a communalist ethos of Biko’s own conceptual development. (...)
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    Motivation and Justice at Work: The Role of Emotion and Cognition Components of Personal and Collective Work Identity.Ola Nordhall & Igor Knez - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Doing African political philosophy from a universalist perspective.Ẹniọlá Ànúolúwapọ́ Ṣóyẹmí - 2022 - Philosophical Forum 53 (3):187-194.
    There has been a strong impetus to set the definitional parameters of study in African political philosophy and theory. Many scholars advance the idea of a discipline intended to provide lessons that stem from “original” African moral, ideological, and political traditions. Often, these traditions and their ideas are presented as holding categorical moral substance in so far as they are seen to be specific to a culturally essentialist understanding of “Africa.” In turn, an influential part of the literature estimates the (...)
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  10.  20
    Participation and Law’s Authority.Ẹniọlá Ànúolúwapọ́ Ṣóyẹmí - 2023 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 36 (2):491-524.
    This article argues that despite its claim to be most concerned with the nature of law in the generality of cases, legal positivism’s almost exclusive focus on Anglo-American law has prevented the tradition from adequately answering the question of law’s authority. This article argues that much positivist analysis either ignores, or takes for granted, the participation of the local population in the historical development of any given society’s law and legal system. This failing means that positivism, and much of analytical (...)
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    Amor o explotación: el trabajo doméstico como sistema de opresión y subordinación.María Jimena Balcázar Alanís - 2022 - Euphyía - Revista de Filosofía 15 (29).
    El trabajo doméstico y las labores domésticas se asocian, incluso hoy, con “lo femenino”, desde una perspectiva esencialista del género. Gracias a la obra de Beauvoir podemos indagar el género como una construcción social que asigna los roles y papeles que cada quien debe cumplir en una sociedad, para comenzar a señalar que la idea del “ama de casa de tiempo completo”, no es en absoluto una categoría que ha existido siempre, sino que está situada dentro de un contexto histórico (...)
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    On the Assessment of Functional Connectivity in an Immersive Brain-Computer Interface During Motor Imagery.Myriam Alanis-Espinosa & David Gutiérrez - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Novel bounds for causal effects based on sensitivity parameters on the risk difference scale.Ola Hössjer & Arvid Sjölander - 2021 - Journal of Causal Inference 9 (1):190-210.
    Unmeasured confounding is an important threat to the validity of observational studies. A common way to deal with unmeasured confounding is to compute bounds for the causal effect of interest, that is, a range of values that is guaranteed to include the true effect, given the observed data. Recently, bounds have been proposed that are based on sensitivity parameters, which quantify the degree of unmeasured confounding on the risk ratio scale. These bounds can be used to compute an E-value, that (...)
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  14. "Bian zheng wei wu zhu yi chang shi" zhong di zi ran ke xue wen ti.Keji Lin (ed.) - 1982 - Fuzhou: Fujian sheng xin hua shu dian fa xing.
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    "Tian ren he yi" yu "zhu ke er fen": Zhong Xi zhe xue bi jiao de zhong yao shi jiao = Oneness of heaven and man and subject-object dichotomy.Keji Lin - 2010 - Beijing: She hui ke xue wen xian chu ban she.
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    Zhang Shiying zhe xue si xiang yan jiu.Keji Lin - 2008 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she. Edited by Wen Huang.
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    Zhongguo zhe xue de xian dai zhuan xing: zou jin liu wei dang dai zhe yuan ming jia = Zhongguo zhexue de xiandai zhuanxing.Keji Lin - 2012 - Beijing: Ren min chu ban she.
  18.  28
    Being and infestation.J. Mish’Alani - 1993 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 16 (1):227-243.
  19. Can Right Acts Be Voluntary?James K. Mish'alani - 1959 - Analysis 20 (3):67 - 72.
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    Thought and object.James K. Mish'alani - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (2):185-201.
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    Threats, laughter, and society.James K. Mish'alani - 1984 - Man and World 17 (2):143-156.
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    The limits of moral community and the limits of moral thought.James K. Mish'alani - 1982 - Journal of Value Inquiry 16 (2):131-141.
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    The interpretation of Jihad in Islam.I. A. Alani Seriki - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy and Culture 2 (2).
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  24. Deliberation, Dependence, and Freedom.Eniola Soyemi - 2023 - In Uchenna B. Okeja (ed.), Routledge Handbook of African Political Philosophy. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  25. Makesi zhu yi zhe xue ji ben guan dian.Kejie Zhang & Yonghui Zhu (eds.) - 1991 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    马克思主义哲学基本观点.Kejie Zhang & Yonghui Zhu (eds.) - 1991 - Beijing: Xin hua shu dian jing xiao.
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    Den lyckliga filosofin: etik och politik hos Hägerström, Tingsten, makarna Myrdal och Hedenius.Ola Sigurdson - 2000 - Stockholm: B. Östlings bokförlag Symposion.
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    Growth and Decline of Assets: On Biased Judgments of Asset Accumulation and Investment Decisions.Ola Svenson & Nichel Gonzalez - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (1):29-35.
    Previous research showed that accumulations of capital following stationary interest rates are underestimated by human judges. Hyperbolic discounting was suggested as a descriptive and explanatory model for this phenomenon. First, we investigated judged accumulated capital after a period of annual growth and decline. The degree of underestimation increased with accumulated growth and the results supported hyperbolic discounting as a descriptive model on the group level. However, the hyperbolic model did not apply to the data for one third of the participants. (...)
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    Kafka and Deleuze/Guattari: Towards a Creative Critical Writing Practice.Ola Ståhl - 2016 - Theory, Culture and Society 33 (7-8):221-235.
    Drawing upon the work of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, in particular their writing on Franz Kafka, this article stakes out the ground for a creative critical writing practice beyond the confines of literature. Exploring the notion of writing in relation to affect constellations, what causes one to write, and expressions without content, how one begins to write, the argument put forth is that in rethinking the distinction Deleuze and Guattari tend to make between artistic practice and philosophical thought, a (...)
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    Learning Identities, Education and Community: Young Lives in the Cosmopolitan City.Ola Erstad, Øystein Gilje, Julian Sefton-Green & Hans Christian Arnseth - 2016 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book offers a case study of children and young people in Groruddalen, Norway, as they live, study and work within the contexts of their families, educational institutions and informal activities. Examining learning as a life-wide concept, the study reveals how 'learning identities' are forged through complex interplays between young people and their communities, and how these identities translate and transfer across different locations and learning contexts. The authors also explore how diverse immigrant populations integrate and conceptualize their education as (...)
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    Aktuell nasjonalisme.Ola Innset - 2018 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 36 (2-3):350-354.
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    Nyliberalismens globale utopi.Ola Innset - 2019 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 37 (2):283-293.
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    Zhong xi zhe xue san lun (2015-2018) =.Keji Lin - 2019 - Fuzhou: Fujian ren min chu ban she.
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  34. Matthew Carlson.Ola Listhauq - 2006 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 7 (1-3):251.
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  35. Skolens målsetting.Ola H. Metliaas - 1968 - Oslo,: Lærerstudentenes forlag. Edited by Victor Hellern.
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    Kafka: Text's Body, Body's Text.James K. Mish'alani - 1986 - Philosophy and Literature 10 (1):56-64.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:James K. Mish'alani KAFKA: TEXT'S BODY, BODY'S TEXT LONG BEFORE it appears in its own life as a bio-anatomical object, the body itself is integrally lived; and after it makes its appearance, lying or standing there ready for scrutiny, dissection, examination, it yields itself thus in its objectivity only to kindred bodily probing, wherein the hands that search, press, palpate and die roving eyes, the patient, closeheld ear, (...)
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    On the development of a new pre-weld thermal treatment procedure for preventing heat-affected zone liquation cracking in nickel-base IN 738 superalloy.O. T. Ola, O. A. Ojo & M. C. Chaturvedi - 2014 - Philosophical Magazine 94 (29):3295-3316.
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    A Hermeneutic of Hope: Problematising Žižek’s Apocalypticism.Ola Sigurdson - 2016 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 10 (2).
    In this paper, I wish to problematize Slavoj Žižek’s use of the apocalyptic tradition in his political philosophy, especially focusing on the consequences it has for his understanding of hope. Especially, I find his strong emphasis on the disjunction between the state before and after the radical event implies a radical discontinuity between the present state and the state of emancipation, that the possibility falls away of any kind of criteria for a useful distinction between authentic and inauthentic events. Such (...)
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    On the consistency of choice.Ola Mahmoud - 2017 - Theory and Decision 83 (4):547-572.
    Consistency of choice is a fundamental and recurring theme in decision theory, social choice theory, behavioral economics, and psychological sciences. The purpose of this paper is to study the consistency of choice independent of the particular decision model at hand. Consistency is viewed as an inherently logical concept that is fundamentally void of connotation and is thus disentangled from traditional rationality or consistency conditions imposed on decision models. The proposed formalization of consistency takes two forms: internal consistency, which refers to (...)
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    Rethinking the liberian predicament in anti-Black terms: On repatriation, modernity, and the ethno-racial choreographies of civil war.Ola Osman - 2022 - Angelaki 27 (3-4):34-48.
    Liberia’s protracted civil conflict was sustained for a period of fourteen years, killing approximately 250,000 Liberians and displacing half of the population. Liberia’s war, like othe...
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    What Do Cancer Patients and Members of Ethical Review Boards in Norway Consider Important Elements of Informed Consent Documents?Ola Berger, Kari Sand, Ingunn Johansen, Jon Håvard Loge, Stein Kaasa & Bjørn Henning Grønberg - 2014 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 5 (4):1-13.
  42. La Bruja : un vuelo en el tiempo.Tomás Bernal Alanís - 2020 - In Herrera Gutiérrez de Velasco, Luis Carlos & Martín Clavé Almeida (eds.), Transgresión: en la historia, la arquitectura, los objetos y la comunicación. [Ciudad de México]: Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco, División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño, Departamento de Evaluación del diseño en el tiempo, Área de Historia del Diseño.
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    Influence of Anthropometry, Age, Sex, and Activity Level on the Hand Reach Star Excursion Balance Test.Ola Eriksrud, Peter A. Federolf & Jan Cabri - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    الْحَمْدُ والشُّكْرُ وَالْعَلَاقَةُ بَيْنَهُمَا في ضَوْءِ الْمَعَاجِمِ اللُّغَوِيَّةِ وَالْقُرْآنِ الْكَرِيمِ.Ola Hassansayedali - 2022 - Fırat Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 27 (1):99-117.
    This research aims to determine what is meant by the terms Praise and thanksgiving the difference between them, and the relationship that brings them together in the light of Arabic dictionaries and the Holy Qur’an. This research also aims to show the extent to which the relationship between praise and thanksgiving has been affected by the transition from the limited linguistic framework to the horizons of the Holy Qur’an. This research is based on a combination of induction, analysis and conclusion. (...)
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  45.  15
    Nyliberalisme - filosofi eller politisk rasjonalitet?Ola Innset - 2017 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 34 (2-3):5-31.
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    Från ett öppet universum: studier i Karl Poppers filosofi.Ola Lindberg (ed.) - 2012 - Umeå: H:ström.
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  47. 'Duty', 'Obligation' and 'Ought'.James K. Mish'alani - 1969 - Analysis 30 (2):33 - 40.
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    On moral imagination.James K. Mish'alani - 1980 - Man and World 13 (2):193-205.
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  49. Meetinghouse Hill, 1630–1783.Ola Elizabeth Winslow - 1952
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    Theology and Marxism in Eagleton and Žižek: a conspiracy of hope.Ola Sigurdson - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Taking its cue from the renewed interest in theology among Marxist and politically radical philosophers or thinkers, this study inquires into the reasons for this interest in theology focusing on the British literary theorist Terry Eagleton and the Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst Slavoj Žižek as two contemporary prominent Marxist thinkers.
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